KME Smart Device Privacy Policy

Welcome aboard!

Thank you for choosing KME Smart devices. As you embark on the journey of utilizing our hardware and software functionalities, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information to enhance your user experience and continuously improve our services.

1. Types of Personal Data Collected

Account Creation: When creating a KME Smart Account, we may collect your email address or mobile phone number, device-related information (e.g., IMEI number), and various location-related details.

Product Purchases: When making purchases through the KME Smart e-commerce platform, we may collect your KME Smart Account ID, name, phone number, delivery address, and order details.

Device Activation: When activating a KME Smart device, we may collect your age, height, weight, gender, and other profile details.

Data Synchronization: When synchronizing device data to the KME Smart Cloud Service, we may collect information related to your activities, such as sensor data, sleeping patterns, movement data, and smart alarm information.

Content Sharing: When sharing content or inviting others to use KME Smart devices, we may collect personal information of those individuals.

Service Processing: In the course of providing services, we may collect data related to your device, including device ID, firmware version, device OS version, model, system, visiting IP, and time.

2. Use of Personal Data

We use your personal data for various purposes, including:

3. Non-Personal Data Collection

We may collect non-personal data to enhance our operations and improve products and services. This includes:

4. Your Control Over Information

We respect your privacy preferences and offer ways for you to control the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data. You can manage settings under the User Experience Improvement Program, Location Access functions, and your KME Smart Account.

5. Access, Updating, or Correcting Personal Data

You have the right to request access, correction, or updates to your personal data. We strive to accommodate your requests in accordance with applicable laws.

6. Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw consent for the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal data. However, this may affect your ability to enjoy KME Smart products and services.

7. Information Sharing

We keep your personal information confidential and may share it with third parties only for specific purposes and with your consent.

8. Information Safety Safeguards

We employ physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard your personal data. Security measures include secure servers, data classification, encryption, and regular reviews of information practices.

9. Applicability of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to KME Smart products and services, and not to third-party offerings. Users are encouraged to read third-party privacy policies.

10. Updates to the Privacy Policy

We regularly review and update our Privacy Policy. Changes will be posted on KME Smart websites, and your continued use of our products and services implies acceptance of the updated policy.